Why is sharing a podcast harder than sharing any other content? ThePodcastHost Weekly Digest

Hullo there!

Unless you're an eccentric millionaire who employs a team of professional podcast sharers, you've probably been struck by indecision when linking to your show in the past.

After all, sharing a blog, website, or YouTube channel is pretty straightforward—there really is only one link and one destination. But if someone says to you, "Oh, you do a podcast, don't you? Can you send me it, please?" What's your next step? One of the biggest strengths of podcasting is the seven billion places pods are consumed. But that's seven billion potential links to weigh up when you want to point someone towards it.

Fortunately, there are simple solutions to this, along with a few very handy tools. Get the scoop in our guide on How to Link to & Share a Podcast. And, as always, you'll find more aromatic and fresh content cooling on the metaphorical window ledge below. Enjoy!

🔶 Supporting Cast: An Alternative to Patreon or Apple Subscriptions?

Supporting Cast helps you turn your podcast into a private multimedia experience, make money, and maintain community.

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🔶 How to Link to & Share a Podcast: Keep it Simple, Make it Effective!

Learn how to link to a podcast in a way that's simple for listeners and offers the best chance of them hitting play, following, or subscribing.

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🔶 Reddit for Podcasters: Authenticity, Participation, & Depth

How to effectively use Reddit for podcast promotion, who it’s best suited for, and what makes the platform different from the rest.

Visit now...

Thanks, as always, for being part of our community and following along 😁

Remember, if you need more help, we have a couple of things which support the free content we put out.

Want a tool to make recording, editing & publishing quicker & easier?

🎤 Alitu: our Podcast Maker App automates lots of the process, and helps with the rest! Including audio cleanup, text-based & audio-based editing for your recordings, free podcast hosting, episode building & loads more.

Want coaching, learning & support to help your show succeed?

🚀 Our Podcraft Academy is the home to our live coaching, in-depth blueprints for launch, growth & earning, and loads more resources to help your show improve, evolve and grow an audience.

Or, check out our range of books and resources, for DIY learning on launch, growth, planning & more.

Colin & Matthew

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How to Run a Thriving, Profitable Podcast

Launch, growth and success tips for Podcasters and wider content creators. Read a set of quick points, from tool reviews to growth tactics, and much more, all aimed at helping you create the show of your dreams. If you're building a personal or a content brand, then get started with us!

Read more from How to Run a Thriving, Profitable Podcast
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